The Yale Law Journal


A Colloquy on Andrew Verstein’s Mixed Motives

26 Mar 2018

In this colloquy between Andrew Verstein and Martin Katz, the authors engage and debate the central ideas of Verstein’s Article, The Jurisprudence of Mixed Motives. Katz points out two flaws in Verstein’s model, while Verstein counters that Katz’s concerns are best seen as additional applications of his framework.


A Rosetta Stone for Causation

Martin Katz

In this Response to Andrew Verstein’s Article, Martin Katz points out two flaws in Verstein’s model: failing to justify a key analytical move and using confusing terminology. Katz suggests remedies for those problems as well as a means of transforming Verstein’s model into a Rosetta Stone for mental…


Who Cares About the Cult of Ptolemy?: A Surreply to Katz

Andrew Verstein

In this surreply, Verstein responds to Katz’s critiques. Verstein first argues that motive is amenable to quantification, and this conclusion does not depend on specific views about causation. Second, Verstein contends that Katz’s concerns are best seen as additional translations of his motive frame…