The Yale Law Journal



The Education Justice

Justin Driver

author. Robert R. Slaughter Professor of Law, Yale Law School; Law Clerk for Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, 2006-07. In June 2007—as my year with Justice O’Connor began drawing to a close—she stopped by my office for a friendly chat late one afternoon. Rather than p…


Lessons from My Mentor, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor

Michelle Friedland

author. Circuit Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit; Law Clerk for Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, 2001-02. I thank my law clerks Rianna Hidalgo and Becca Hansen for their helpful edits to drafts of this tribute. I had the great fortune to clerk for Justice O…


A Tribute to Justice Antonin Scalia

Justice Clarence Thomas

I was blessed to have had Antonin Scalia as a colleague and as a dear friend. I did not know Nino when I joined the Court in 1991, and we certainly made an unlikely pair: a northerner from a house of educators, and a southerner from a house of almost no formal education. “Friendship,” h…


A Tribute to Justice Scalia

Justice Sonia Sotomayor

I am proud to name myself one of the seventeen Justices lucky enough to have served with Justice Scalia during his tenure with the Court. Much has been said these past few months about the mark he has left on our Court and on our country. Pages have been written of the contribution he made t…


Scalia, J., Dissenting: A Fragment on Religion

Stephen L. Carter

[Author’s Note This unpublished opinion was supposedly found among the papers of the late Justice Antonin Scalia. I cannot say with authority that the supposition is true. Whatever its source, the opinion is plainly a draft. The argument contains certain doctrinal inconsistencies, and the …


The Real Justice Scalia

Christine Jolls

Ronald Dworkin wrote in his final book, Justice for Hedgehogs: We value great art most fundamentally . . . because it embodies a performance, a rising to artistic challenge. We value human lives well lived not for the completed narrative, as if fiction would do as well, but because the…


A Tribute to Justice Scalia

Justice Samuel Alito

For those of us who had the privilege of knowing Nino, as we called him, what will come to mind first are his human qualities. He was a delightful friend and colleague. He had a big personality; I think he filled every room he entered. He was charming, engaging, voluble, learned, witty, …


Remarks for Robert Burt

Robert C. Post

author. Dean and Sol & Lillian Goldman Professor of Law, Yale Law School. The following remarks by Dean Post were delivered at Professor Burt’s funeral. The remaining Tributes are drawn from remarks delivered at a memorial service held at the Yale Law School on November 1…


The Odd Couple

Owen M. Fiss

author. Sterling Professor Emeritus of Law, Yale University. In June 1988, Bo traveled to Santiago, Chile. The trip was sponsored by the Fulbright Commission and its stated purpose was to celebrate the two hundredth anniversary of the United States Constitution. Bo was acco…


Bo Burt: In the Whirlwind of His Own Making

Monroe E. Price

author. Director, Center for Global Communication Studies, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania; Professor of Law, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law at Yeshiva University. Bo Burt was multiple conversations in process, so daring in id…


Connecting to What Matters: Remembering Bo Burt

Martha Minow

author. Morgan and Helen Chu Dean and Professor of Law, Harvard Law School. Bo Burt was gentle and passionate; supportive and forceful; larger than life and committed to improving death and dying. I am honored to be here, and to join Linda, Anne and Jessica, and all the fam…


Robert Burt: Repetition and Insistence

Martín Böhmer

author. Professor of Law, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires; Global Professor of Law, NYU Law in Buenos Aires, NYU School of Law. “What’s in a name?” Juliet wished there was nothing in it, but there was Romeo, a Montague. What’s in Bo’s name? It seems that here also the…


Two Dreams

Anthony T. Kronman

author. Sterling Professor of Law, Yale Law School. The week after Bo died, I dreamt about him twice. The first dream was very short. The second was longer and picked up where the first one left off. I can’t recall ever having had two continuous dreams of this kind before. But …


A Tribute to My Friend, Professor Robert A. Burt

Frank Iacobucci

author. Senior Counsel, Torys LLP; Retired Justice, Supreme Court of Canada. “Please call me Bo.” With those words, spoken some twenty years ago, I was invited into what turned out to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship, with no apologies to Humphrey Bogart and Claude Ra…


Insider, Outsider, Robert A. Burt

Andrew David Burt

author. Yale Law School, J.D. 2014; Nephew of Robert A. Burt. My aim here today is to give you a sense of Professor Robert A. Burt—of what he was like as a friend and as a mentor. I’d like to do justice to his role in my life, and in the lives of many others. For Bo, as hi…


Reinhardt at Work

Benjamin I. Sachs

120 Yale L.J. 573 (2010). 


Reading Reinhardt: The Work of Constructing Legal Virtue (Exempla Iustitiae)

Judith Resnik

120 Yale L.J. 539 (2010). 


Judge Stories

Heather K. Gerken

120 Yale L.J. 529 (2010). 


A Progressive Visionary: Stephen Reinhardt and the First Amendment

Erwin Chemerinsky

120 Yale L.J. 515 (2010). 


Tribute to Judge Stephen Reinhardt

The Yale Law Journal

120 Yale L.J. 514 (2010). 


The Judicial "Odd Couple"

Alex Kozinski

120 Yale L.J. 535 (2010). 


Law Is Everywhere

Owen Fiss

117 Yale L.J. 256 (2007).




William H. Rehnquist: A Life Lived Greatly, and Well

Richard W. Garnett

115 Yale L.J. 1847 (2006)


Tribute to Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist

Jon Kyl

115 Yale L.J. 1857 (2006)


A Man for All Seasons

Donald Ayer

115 Yale L.J. 1843 (2006)


Remembering Boris

Louis H. Pollak

115 Yale L.J. 745 (2006)


Boris I. Bittker

Marvin Chirelstein

115 Yale L.J. 737 (2006)


Let Us Count the Ways: A Tribute to Boris Bittker

John G. Simon

115 Yale L.J. 751 (2006)


Boris I. Bittker

Michael J. Graetz

115 Yale L.J. 739 (2006)


My Friend Abe Goldstein

Abe Krash

115 Yale L.J. 505 (2005)


Dean of Law and Life

Stanton Wheeler

115 Yale L.J. 521 (2005)


Abraham S. Goldstein's Contributions to Criminal Law Scholarship

Kate Stith

115 Yale L.J. 511 (2005)


Befriended by Abe Goldstein

Dan M. Kahan

115 Yale L.J. 501 (2005)


The Essential Dean

Harry H. Wellington

115 Yale L.J. 517 (2005)


Burke Marshall--Civil Rights Leader

Vernon E. Jordan Jr.

113 Yale L.J. 803 (2004)


Remembering Burke Marshall

Hillary Rodham Clinton

113 Yale L.J. 787 (2004)


Thank You, Burke

Nicholas deB. Katzenbach

113 Yale L.J. 805 (2004)


Not with Our Tears

Owen Fiss

113 Yale L.J. 797 (2004)


Burke Marshall's Memorial

John Doar

113 Yale L.J. 791 (2004)


A Tribute to Burke Marshall

Aharon Barak

113 Yale L.J. 785 (2004)

Aharon Barak


The Straight Road: A Tribute to Burke Marshall

Catharine A. MacKinnon

113 Yale L.J. 811 (2004)


Burke Marshall

Anthony T. Kronman

113 Yale L.J. 807 (2004)


Western Justice

Richard B. Collins

112 Yale L.J. 975 (2003)


A Tribute to Justice Byron R. White

John Paul Stevens

112 Yale L.J. 969 (2003)



Dennis J. Hutchinson

112 Yale L.J. 983 (2003)


The Unforgettable Byron White

Edward M. Kennedy

112 Yale L.J. 973 (2003)


Byron White, Laywer

Burke Marshall

112 Yale L.J. 987 (2003)


A Tribute to Byron White

Paul Tagliabue

112 Yale L.J. 999 (2003)


Justice White and the Law

Kate Stith

112 Yale L.J. 993 (2003)