The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'korean'

Forum: Prove It! Judging the Hostile-or-Warlike-Action Exclusion in Cyber-Insurance Policies

routed traffic through North Korean IP addresses in an effort to mask their origin. While Russia was initially believed to be the likely source, private

Forum: War Powers Reform: A Skeptical View

Korean War, launched by President Truman in 1950 without a congressional war declaration or express authorization. It ultimately killed nearly 40,000

A Review

the Court finally declares that the President may go too far—exemplified by the Steel Seizure case during the Korean War. The fourth stage is “no blank

Forum: A Law Unto Itself?

unpopular Korean War, Richard Nixon’s illegal actions during Watergate, Ronald Reagan’s privatization of foreign policy during the Iran-Contra Affair

Forum: Political Checks on a Politicized Presidency: A Response to Neal Katyals Internal Separation of Powers

with Truman’s decision to launch the Korean War without an explicit legislative mandate. Today, partisan politics—rather than a constitutionally mandated

Forum: Syria, Threats of Force, and Constitutional War Powers

engagements of U.S. forces abroad. The Korean and Vietnam Wars are generally considered the most salient events of the Cold War for understanding

The Power to Threaten War

many trace the turning point to the Korean War. Congress did not declare war in that instance, nor did it expressly authorize U.S. participation. From

Illegitimate Borders: Jus Sanguinis Citizenship and the Legal Construction of Family, Race, and Nation

combination with the race-based citizenship laws and the marriage and fraternization policies of the United States military during World War II, the Korean

Forum: Regulating Foreign Commerce Through Multiple Pathways: A Case Study

reciprocal protections for U.S. products and a Korean spirit called Andong Soju. In January 2012, the TTB issued a ruling—which the agency intended to

Forum: Ending Citizenship for Service in the Forever Wars

designated periods of hostility have included the Korean Conflict from June 25, 1950 to July 1, 1955; the Vietnam Hostilities from February 28, 1961