The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'law'

Forum: Lawyers as Leaders

The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Lawyers as Leaders Lawyers as Leaders In this Essay, I argue that graduates of law schools should aspire not just to be

The Local Lawmaking Loophole

Yale Law Journal - The Local Lawmaking Loophole The Local Lawmaking Loophole abstract. Local governments contract with each other for a wide variety

Forum: Transformative Immigration Lawyering

Cummings has defined movement lawyering as “a model of practice in which lawyers accounta… See, e.g., Immigration Law Clinic, Chi.-Kent Coll. L., https

Student Derivative Lawsuits

Yale Law Journal - Student Derivative Lawsuits

Zoned Out: How Zoning Law Undermines Family Law’s Functional Turn

Yale Law Journal - Zoned Out: How Zoning Law Undermines Family Law’s Functional Turn Zoned Out: How Zoning Law Undermines Family Law’s Functional

Forum: Response: Corporate Law’s Distributive Design

The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Response: Corporate Law’s Distributive Design Response: Corporate Law’s Distributive Design makes two novel claims

Forum: The Meta-Nonsense of Lawrence

The Yale Law Journal - Forum: The Meta-Nonsense of Lawrence The Meta-Nonsense of Lawrence Jamal Greene’s interesting essay deals not with Justice

An Immigration Gideon for Lawful Permanent Residents

Yale Law Journal - An Immigration Gideon for Lawful Permanent Residents An Immigration Gideon for Lawful Permanent Residents

(Re)Framing Race in Civil Rights Lawyering

Yale Law Journal - (Re)Framing Race in Civil Rights Lawyering (Re)Framing Race in Civil Rights Lawyering abstract. This Review examines the

Beyond Lawrence: Metaprivacy and Punishment

Yale Law Journal - Beyond Lawrence: Metaprivacy and Punishment