The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'law'

Disregarding Foreign Relations Law

Yale Law Journal - Disregarding Foreign Relations Law

Forum: Enforcement and the Concept of Law

nature) and human laws. It might be helpful to think of that analogy here: the law’s power must be such as to make of the law a sort of cause, which

Early Release in International Criminal Law

Yale Law Journal - Early Release in International Criminal Law Early Release in International Criminal Law abstract. Modern international tribunals

Patent Law and the Two Cultures

Yale Law Journal - Patent Law and the Two Cultures

Forum: The Pitfalls and False Promises of Nonlawyer Ownership of Law Firms

Unlike for-profit ABS entities such as Rocket Lawyer and Law Pal, which seek to use technology to eliminate a lawyer’s role in providing legal

The President and Immigration Law Redux

explain exactly why the President’s immigration initiatives are both lawful and desirable. They promote important rule-of-law values, such as

The Fourth Amendment and General Law

country’s general law, courts would look to the laws and practices of different jurisdictions as relevant data points—persuasive precedent—not as

Forum: Announcing The Yale Law Journal Online

The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Announcing The Yale Law Journal Online Announcing The Yale Law Journal Online The Yale Law Journal is pleased to

News: Yale Law Journal Participates in Lutie A. Lytle Black Women Law Faculty Writing Workshop

Faculty Writing Workshop and Retreat, SMU Dedman Sch. L., To learn about Lutie A. Lytle, the first woman law professor in

Forum: Twenty-First-Century Contract Law Is a Law of Agreements, Not Debts: A Response to Lewinsohn

the shift is probably accurate, we should see this shift as contract law evolving to fit modern needs rather than as a misstep. Modern contract law’s