The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'The'

Forum: AEP v. Connecticut and the Future of the Political Question Doctrine

prudentially left to them. The Supreme Court then agreed to consider whether the doctrine precludes judicial review altogether. the Supreme Court

The New Minimal Cities

bankruptcy law. Where are these insolvent cities, and who lives there? Section I.A introduces these places, their residents, and the causes of their fiscal

Nondelegation at the Founding

legislative powers to the Executive. Summarizing their findings, they write, “There was no nondelegation doctrine at the Founding, and the question isn’t

Forum: The Twilight of the Technocrats’ Monopoly on Antitrust?

38 Pol. Sci. Q. 470, 473 (1923) (“Not only does the law of property secure for the owners of factories their labor; it also secures for them the

The Judicial "Odd Couple"

Yale Law Journal - The Judicial Odd Couple THIS TRIBUTE IS PART OF A Collection In 1980, Stephen Reinhardt, a graduate of Yale Law School, joined the

Forum: Online Legal Scholarship: The Medium and the Message

first reporters simply used blogs to locate experts to interview. Now many of them quote what we have written on the blog instead of wasting their

The Insular Cases Run Amok: Against Constitutional Exceptionalism in the Territories

for it was racism. Yet courts and scholars have recently sought to hoist the Insular Cases on their own racist petard—by “repurposing” them to defuse

News: From the Archives: The Legality of Homosexual Marriage

The Yale Law Journal - News: From the Archives: i The Legality of Homosexual Marriage /i From the Archives: The Legality of Homosexual Marriage On

Federal Sentencing in 2007: The Center Holds—The Supreme Court Doesn't

Yale Law Journal - Federal Sentencing in 2007: The Center Holds—The Supreme Court Doesnt Federal Sentencing in 2007: The Center Holds—The Supreme Court Doesnt

Forum: The Binary Executive

independent from both the President and the Court, they are now increasingly under the thumb of both. These moves together create novel