The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'evidence'

Forum: The Costs of Consensus in Statutory Construction

thanks to Abbe Gluck’s authoritative article, Laboratories of Statutory Interpretation, proponents of interpretive uniformity have evidence that some

Steven D. Smith

impeachment. This Article challenges that conventional wisdom. Using evidence from England, the colonies, a…

Tom R. Tyler

supposed influence that watching the television show CSI: Crime Scene Investigation has on juror behavior. Some have claimed that jurors who see the high-quality forensic evidence ...

Saikrishna Prakash

impeachment. This Article challenges that conventional wisdom. Using evidence from England, the colonies, a…

Forum: The Justice as Commissioner: Benching the Judge-Umpire Analogy

on evidence: “the judge must cease to be merely an umpire at the game of litigation.” Indeed, Wigmore, like the Crittenden and Hazen courts, explicitly

Forum: Replacing Smith

all of the following conditions are present: (1) the religious interest is limited and carefully defined, (2) clear Founding Era evidence supports

News: New York Times Editorial Cites Forum Essay on Judicial Override

Center for Human Rights—now argue that override also increases the risk of wrongful executions. Pointing to evidence that half of the exonerations in

Let the Burden Fit the Crime: Extending Proportionality Review to Sex Offenders

a trial’s focus, the jury may not receive evidence about the amount of punitive damages needed to meet these policy objectives. Often the only

Forum: Election Day Registration and the Limits of Litigation

social-science evidence indicates that EDR is the single registration or voting reform that would do the most to improve the United States’ comparatively

Spending Money To Make Money: CBO Scoring of Secondary Effects

allow the CBO to score secondary effects that are justified by substantial evidence. In addition to generating savings, this proposal would eliminate