The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'The'

The New Law of the Child

privacy; and participation in civic life. Once articulated, these broader interests lay the foundation for a radical reconceptualization of the field of

Forum: The Future of Legal Scholarship

This Journal’s editors have long performed these tasks, and readers may rely on the permanence and the accuracy of these web pages as they have for

The Copyright Law

Yale Law Journal - The Copyright Law

The Essential Dean

Yale Law Journal - The Essential Dean

News: Announcing the Special Issue Symposium on the Law of the Territories

Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. They are unable to vote for President and lack voting representation in Congress, even though Congress

The Subdivided City

define the scope of their authority, and share in their funding and management. These subunits, therefore, differ from purely governmental subdivisions

The Antimonopoly Presidency

first to attend to their combined impact on the institutional structure of antimonopoly law. This Note argues that these proposals would shift decision

The New Public

to the troubles of their neighbors, sorted through them, and together ‘presented’ the transgressions that they felt demanded admonition or reprimand

The Bostic Question

with their fingers up in the air. And then they lick their finger and they put it back up and they see which way the wind is blowing. You can’t

The Odd Couple

they wanted the General to continue in office. Miracle of miracles, in spite of the all-encompassing power of the dictatorship, the noes won, and then