The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'evidence'

Katherine A. Macfarlane

the exclusionary rule to evidence seized as a result of an arrest that followed an unconstitutional stop. The opinion, in conjunction with Justice Sotomayor’s dissent, has ...

Sonja B. Starr

empirical staff’s criticisms of their recent article, which found, contrary to the Commission’s prior work, no evidence that racial disparity in sentences increased in response to ...

M. Marit Rehavi

empirical staff’s criticisms of their recent article, which found, contrary to the Commission’s prior work, no evidence that racial disparity in sentences increased in response to ...

Murat C. Mungan

erroneous acquittals. We find that if he is correct, the optimal standard of proof is stronger than preponderance of evidence. Our conclusion stands in stark contrast to proposals ...

Forum: Their Bark Is Bigger Than Their Bite: An Essay on Who Bleeds When the Wolves Bite

corporate governance landscape is not going to alter this process. V. a less unhappy ending? Happily, a careful review of the evidence—including the

Returning to Common-Law Principles of Insider Trading After United States v. Newman

information from the insiders to the defendant tippees moots the former error—at least on the evidence accepted in the Second Circuit—and justifies the

Mark A. LeBoeuf

participants read to confirm what they were told (e.g., “Your loan is at 4%”) and then failed to look for contradictory evidence

Jessica M. Choplin

participants read to confirm what they were told (e.g., “Your loan is at 4%”) and then failed to look for contradictory evidence

Agencies as Litigation Gatekeepers

public resources for other uses. Yet despite the proliferation of such calls, there exists strikingly little theory or evidence on how agency gatekeeper

Ilan Wurman

nondelegation doctrine, but numerous scholars have portrayed the doctrine as ahistorical and unoriginalist. This Feature systematically reviews the evidence and concludes there is ...