The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'The'

The Constitutional Foundations of Chenery

Yale Law Journal - The Constitutional Foundations of Chenery

The Kabuki Mask of Bush v. Gore

Yale Law Journal - The Kabuki Mask of Bush v. Gore

Race and the Disappointing Right to Counsel

Yale Law Journal - Race and the Disappointing Right to Counsel

Forum: The Implicit Racial Bias in Sentencing: The Next Frontier

federal probation and pre-trial services officers ranked themselves in the top 25% of respective colleagues in their ability to make decisions free

News: Announcing the Inaugural Emerging Scholar of the Year: Payvand Ahdout

process. They receive a $5,000 honorarium, and are featured on the Journal’s podcast. The Journal’s inaugural Emerging Scholar of the Year, Professor

The Modification of Decrees in the Original Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court

are sovereigns and their representatives: states; the United States; and in theory—though no longer in practice—ambassadors, public ministers, and

Forum: The Example of America

purposes and diminish the Constitution in the ways that they did if other institutions, including the judiciary, had not allowed them to have their way

Forum: Dissent in the Senate

into a victory. In all of these case studies, the senators who were dissenting wanted their dissents to help them become part of a majority. After all

Forum: The Organizational Guidelines: R.I.P.?

unconnected to the wrongdoing lose their jobs and investments in the firm. These agreements usually require the appointment of an outside monitor, changes

The Arc of the Pendulum: Judges, Prosecutors, and the Exercise of Discretion

Yale Law Journal - The Arc of the Pendulum: Judges, Prosecutors, and the Exercise of Discretion