The Yale Law Journal

Results for '100'

News: Prison Law Writing Contest

permitted by state law, the authors of the winning essays will receive prizes: $250 for first place, $100 for second place, and $50 for third place. Topics

Forum: Questioning the Use of Structure To Interpret Statutory Intent: A Critique of Utility Air Regulatory Group v. EPA

relevant statutory thresholds of 100 or 250 tons per year. In UARG, the Supreme Court rejected the Tailoring Rule and disposed of the triggering problem

Forum: The Dominance of Teams in the Production of Legal Knowledge

Using a database that contains over 19,000 law review articles published in top 100 law reviews between 1990 and 2010, we observe that team authors

Reconstructing Critical Legal Studies

Legal Thought 99, 100… This Essay tries to combine, generalize, and reformulate more recent pieces that are part of this … See generally Mark Tushnet

Forum: How (Not) To Bring an Affirmative-Action Challenge

the future of affirmative action, is $100. That is the sum of Abigail Fisher’s application fee ($50) and nonrefundable housing deposit ($50)—the only

News: Concurso de Escritura sobre el Derecho de Prisiones

autores de las presentaciones ganadoras recibirán los siguientes premios: $250 para el primer lugar, $100 para el segundo lugar y $50 para el tercer lugar

Family Law for the One-Hundred-Year Life

1031 (2002). The New Map of Life: 100 Years to Thrive, Stan. Ctr. on Longevity 2 (Nov. 2021), https:‌//‌longevity‌.stanford‌.edu‌/wp‌-content‌/uploads‌

Forum: Critiquing (and Repairing) the New International Tax Regime

the GILTI regime. Take for instance, a firm that invests $100 million in a plant abroad through a CFC that will generate $10 million of income. None

A Theory of the REIT

are REITs that own a quarter-billion square feet of shopping centers, communication towers that span the globe, and over $100 billion of mortgages

Christopher A. Cotropia

in top 100 law reviews between 1990 and 2010, we observe that team authors dominate solo authors in the production of legal knowledge. Team research is on average more frequently ...