The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'Deno'

Forum: Who Cares About the Cult of Ptolemy?: A Surreply to Katz

Rosetta Stone is an ancient fragment communicating nearly identical content through three scripts: the hieroglyphics of Ancient Egypt, the Denotic

Forum: “Early-Bird Special” Indeed!: Why the Tax Anti-Injunction Act Permits the Present Challenges to the Minimum Coverage Provision

“tax.” Were the Supreme Court now to say that Congress all along was assuming that only exactions denominated as taxes were protected against injunctive

De-Schooling Constitutional Law

consequential. In taking the Senate floor to denounce the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Goldwater not only dissented on policy grounds; he engaged in a frontal

Forum: Citizens United and Its Critics

strike down. President Obama, a former professor of constitutional law, denounced the ruling when it was released and then again in his State of the

Equity as Meta-Law

because it is plausible. Commentators are correct that not everything denominated “equitable” can receive a unified justification. And it is true that

Agency Design and Political Control

baseline model: outlaysijt = αij + δt + ψXit+ εijt(1) where subscript i denotes (redistricting-specific) congressional districts, j denotes the

Reinterpreting Corporate Inversions: Non-Tax Competitions and Frictions

the subscript 1 denotes the United States, the subscript y denotes company y, and i’, im, c, s, k, b, pr, ip, a, d, and t denote, respectively, the

Anupam Chander

denounced it for its irrelevance, its masquerade of power. Now, in the post-ontological era of international law, the critique has shifted

Forum: Withdrawing from International Custom: Terrible Food, Small Portions

Under the prevailing approach to withdrawal from custom, which the authors denominate the “Mandatory View,” states may exempt themselves from a rule

Forum: Not So Fast: 163(j), 245A, and Leverage in the Post-TCJA World

for purposes of § 163(j)) to account for “expense items not denominated as interest but appropriately characterized as equivalent to interest expense