Results for 'IF'
Forum: A New “Plan for Transformation”: Improving Living Conditions in Chicago’s Public Housing
housing units that can be built. The Faircloth Amendment effectively prevents PHAs from using federal funds to construct or acquire new public housing if
Forum: AI and Captured Capital
her body was created, and she was not told if or how that replica would be used. The actor lamented: “I fear that AI is eventually going to weed out
Disenrollment as Citizenship Revocation: Promoting Tribal Sovereignty by Embracing International Norms
revocation regimes when considering limitations on their power to disenroll. If tribes choose to address disenrollment by embracing international norms
Unsafe and Unsound: HIV Policy in the U.S. Military
rank. Then, the agents asked if he wanted to consult a lawyer. “Just to be safe,” said Gutierrez, “I said yes.” Gutierrez soon learned that he was
Forum: Getting Beyond Ad Hoc Fiscal Federalism: A Proposal for a Default Federal Liquidity Facility for the States
conclusion of the crisis, the Federal Reserve would forgive a substantial portion of the loans if states can certify that their loan funds were used
Forum: Guaranteeing Honesty: Rewiring Honest Services Fraud Under the Guarantee Clause
session, and over a hundred members had already left for home. Facing the loss of a quorum if there were further delays, the House version of the
Forum: Political Wine in a Judicial Bottle: Justice Sotomayor’s Surprising Concurrence in Aurelius
the United States neither believes nor behaves as if it has an irrevocable compact with Puerto Rico. We would explain why the so-called compact is one
Forum: Clash of the Titans: Plenary Power and Habeas Corpus in Castro
the law is.” If Justice Kennedy is correct, then courts retain inherent habeas jurisdiction even in areas—like expedited removal—that lie deep in the
Forum: Nonmajority Opinions and Biconditional Rules
combine an if-then proposition (If A, then B) with its inverse (If Not-A, then Not-B). Appellate courts on both sides of the circuit split that
Forum: What Litigation of a Climate Nuisance Suit Might Look Like
joint and several or whether liability is proportional. If the joint and several prong prevails, the inevitable result is third-party litigation. The