The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'The'

Is There a Place for Religious Charter Schools?

Yale Law Journal - Is There a Place for Religious Charter Schools?

Forum: Is There an Exclusive Commander-in-Chief Power?

The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Is There an Exclusive Commander-in-Chief Power? Is There an Exclusive Commander-in-Chief Power? Which President was

A Theory of the REIT

reinvesting their profits. These REIT features defy the scholarly consensus on good corporate governance. Corporate law permits takeovers because they

Forum: Political Avoidance, Constitutional Theory, and the VRA

Constitutional theory and design have been dominated by the specter of legislative and executive institutions voraciously seeking to expand their powers. But

Forum: While They Waited: Pre-Obergefell Lives and the Law of Nonmarriage

be an option for them, how did they structure their relationships? It is an important question given that a consistent criticism of the law of

Forum: Regulating Federal Prosecutors: Let There Be Light

The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Regulating Federal Prosecutors: Let There Be Light Regulating Federal Prosecutors: Let There Be Light The Office of

Reevaluating Legal Theory

general jurisprudence, especially the classical natural-law tradition of legal theorizing, can better deliver on positivism’s promise to offer theories

A Relational Theory of Data Governance

others, not individual insights specific to the data subject. These insights can then be applied to all individuals (not just the data subject) who share

A Labor Theory of Legal Parenthood

Yale Law Journal - A Labor Theory of Legal Parenthood

Forum: The Political Theory of an Independent Judiciary

the nature of those roots. She traces the origins of judicial review to corporate law, whereas I locate them in political theory. Professor Bilder