The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'eu'

Forum: A Brief Sur-Reply to Professors Graetz and Warren

deciding whether the laws of European Union (EU) member states violate the fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the Treaty on the Functioning of the

Veena Dubal

European Union (EU) has passed an array of digital-rights protections for workers. This Essay argues that the EU framework fails to account for the formal subordination of workers ...

Reimagining and Empowering the Contemporary Workforce

control, the European Union (EU) has passed an array of digital-rights protections for workers. This Essay argues that the EU framework fails to account for the formal ...

Alvin C. Warren Jr.

has invalidated many income tax law provisions of European Union (EU) member states as violating European constitutional treaty guarantees of freedom of movement for goods, ...

Jacob M. Victor

transform EU data privacy law. The draft General Data Protection Regulation (“draft Regulation”) proposes a range of new individual rights designed to protect

Forum: Seeking Justice: The State of Transnational Corporate Accountability

France, Germany, and the Netherlands. 1. The EU’s Due-Diligence Directive On February 23, 2022, the European Commission moved a proposal forward for an EU

Michael J. Graetz

ECJ) has invalidated many income tax law provisions of European Union (EU) member states as violating European constitutional treaty guarantees of

Forum: The New Antitrust/Data Privacy Law Interface

antitrust law the “Brussels Effect,” referring to the exportation of EU legal standards through their influence on foreign nations.The European

Forum: Constructing AI Speech

in legislatures. Claire Boine and David Rolnick track the evolving and competing definitions of AI systems in the EU AI Act. Boine and Rolnick’s work

Forum: Sovereign Difference and Sovereign Deference on the Internet

with foreign countries to further deepen cooperation in this area. Another example is the complicated (and fragile) cooperative arrangement known as EU