The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'korean'

Forum: The National Security Constitution and the Bush Administration

in-Chief power unilaterally to involve U.S. armed forces in the Korean War is a classic example. My theory begins from the fundamental reality that

The Case for Regulating Fully Autonomous Weapons

South Korea against a “numerically superior” North Korean military. Emily Alpert, Why Hasn’t the U.S. Signed an International Ban on Land Mines?, L.A

Forum: How Statutes Interpret the Constitution

as the Korean War intensified led to more rapid integration; by 1954, the process was largely complete in the sense that no unit was more than one-half

Forum: How to Get the Property Out of Privacy Law

if necessary. This marked a loss of control for the individuals whose location histories were shared automatically, and for every South Korean

Duties Owed: Low-Intensity Cyber Attacks and Liability for Transboundary Torts in International Law

Sponsored Cyber Attacks “We are confident the North Korean government is responsible for this destructive attack . . . . If they want to help, they can

Forum: Manufactured Emergencies

steel mills during the Korean War by insisting that he had bypassed laws laid out to deal with such situations and by casting doubt on his troubling

Aurelius’s Article III Revisionism: Reimagining Judicial Engagement with the Insular Cases and “The Law of the Territories”

dissenting) (noting that “Puerto Rico had the second highest per capita casualty rate in the Nation in the Korean Conflict”), vacated, 404 F.3d 1

Forum: The Insidious War Powers Status Quo

of troops to support the United Nations’ (U.N.) campaign in the Korean War under the theory that a U.N. “police action” was not a “war” per se. By

The Uneasy Case for Favoring Long-Term Shareholders

Groups and Tunneling: Evidence from Private Securities Offerings by Korean Chaebols, 61 J. Fin. 2415, 2445-46 (2006), which finds evidence consistent

Corporate Control and Idiosyncratic Vision

& Woochan Kim, The Effect of Board Structure on Firm Value: A Multiple Identification Strategies Approach Using Korean Data, 104 J. Fin. Econ. 203 (2012