Results for 'license'
Forum: Data Rights and Data Wrongs: Civil Litigation and the New Privacy Norms
passes through a toll. Operated by the same contractor that administers EZ-Pass, the New York system takes a photo of a driver’s license plate and sends
The Fourth Amendment and General Law
would draw on ancient property concepts such as trespass, license, and bailments in determining the scope of protections. But they would also draw on
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otherwise edit the submissions we decide to post. License Terms: By submitting content for publication, you irrevocably grant to The Yale Law Journal
Forum: Who Pays? An Analysis of Fine Collection in New York City
licenses for unpaid traffic debt); Living in Suspension—Consequences of Driver’s License Suspension Policies, Fees & Fines Ctr. (Feb. 11, 2018), https
Forum: The Taxing Power, The Affordable Care Act, and the Limits of Constitutional Compromise
federal requirement to obtain a license to engage in certain “immoral” activities was within Congress’s power, the Court in 1866 easily upheld the statute
James Gibson
Because liability is difficult to predict and the consequences of infringement are dire, risk-averse intellectual property users often seek a license when none is needed. Yet ...
Forum: Constituting Security and Fairness: Reflecting on Charles Reich’s Imagination and Impact
impact of the loss of a government license when he was a law clerk for Justice Hugo Black. Both were distressed about a case involving a doctor, Edward K
The New Public
203 (2011), and fifty-seven percent of the driving-age population had a license to drive, Office of Highway Policy Info., Licensed Drivers, U.S. Dep’t
Forum: While They Waited: Pre-Obergefell Lives and the Law of Nonmarriage
intended. In essence, the two men had lived as a married couple for over thirty years but were punished for not obtaining a marriage license in the six
Forum: Beyond the Adjustment Wars: Dealing with Uncertainty and Bias in Redistricting Data
of tourists and transient military personnel. However, subsequent case law makes clear that the Constitution provides no blanket license for