The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'pov'

Andrew Hammond

The Yale Law Journal - Andrew Hammond Andrew Hammond Article Approximately forty million Americans live in poverty. Yet we know little about how they

The New Minimal Cities

austerity measures—an unwitting experiment with a shrinking public sector in cities hollowed by household poverty and physical deterioration. Eventually

Forum: Evicted: The Socio-Legal Case for the Right to Housing

introduction Matthew Desmond’s Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City is a triumphant work that provides the missing socio-legal data needed to prove

Critical Race Theory

incarceration generally—and incarceration of women and girls specifically—is a fundamentally misguided response to violence and poverty that we must retire

Protecting Civil Rights in the Shadows

tested public benefit programs has been torn between a partisan “welfare rights” track and a petit constitutional “anti-poverty” theme. The 1996

Laurie Ball Cooper

The Yale Law Journal - Laurie Ball Cooper Laurie Ball Cooper Forum Laurie Ball Cooper Matthew Desmond’s Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American

Forum: Exploiting the Poor: Housing, Markets, and Vulnerability

introduction Matthew Desmond’s magisterial Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City is arguably the most important book about poverty in the United

The Civil Rights Canon: Above and Below

Opportunity Act (EOA), the heart of the War on Poverty, this element of the movement partly realized some of its economic goals. These activists contributed

Forum: Civil Rights Strategies To Increase Mobility

significant numbers of individuals are “stuck” in segregation and poverty, with recognized adverse consequences. Living in segregation and poverty is

Ezra Rosser

The Yale Law Journal - Ezra Rosser Ezra Rosser Forum Matthew Desmond’s magisterial Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City is arguably the