Results for 'sent'
Judicial Fact-Finding and Sentence Enhancements in a World of Guilty Pleas
Yale Law Journal - Judicial Fact-Finding and Sentence Enhancements in a World of Guilty Pleas Judicial Fact-Finding and Sentence Enhancements in a World of Guilty Pleas
The Sentence Imposed Versus the Statutory Maximum: Repairing the Armed Career Criminal Act
Yale Law Journal - The Sentence Imposed Versus the Statutory Maximum: Repairing the Armed Career Criminal Act The Sentence Imposed Versus the Statutory Maximum: Repairing the ...
Forum: The Implicit Racial Bias in Sentencing: The Next Frontier
longer sentences to Jewish defendants than Christian defendants. There were no significant differences in how these judges sentenced White as
Forum: Excessive Sentencing Reviews: Eighth Amendment Substance and Procedure
adjudication pressures on the accused to forego jury trials in order “to avoid the thing they fear most: being sent to prison”). Notably, plea agreements
News: Molina-Martinez and Sentencing Error as Loss of Chance
The Yale Law Journal - News: i Molina-Martinez /i and Sentencing Error as Loss of Chance Molina-Martinez and Sentencing Error as Loss of Chance
Forum: On Estimating Disparity and Inferring Causation: Sur-Reply to the U.S. Sentencing Commission Staff
with the conclusions of two U.S. Sentencing Commission reports. The Commission found that the sentence gap between comparable black and white men had
Forum: Why Judges Matter at Sentencing: A Reply to Starr and Rehavi
2011 as part of a longer, more comprehensive report on federal sentencing released in December 2012. The Commission found that these average sentence
Is History Repeating Itself? Sentencing Young American Muslims in the War on Terror
For example, Sabri Benkahla, who received a ten-year sentence for making false statements to a grand jury and the FBI, was sent to a CMU, denied contact
Appellate Review of Sentencing
Guideline-specified facts, plug those facts into a Guideline calculation, and then mechanically impose a Guideline sentence. Instead of sentencing-by-the
What Feeney Got Right: Why Courts of Appeals Should Review Sentencing Departures De Novo
Yale Law Journal - What Feeney Got Right: Why Courts of Appeals Should Review Sentencing Departures De Novo What Feeney Got Right: Why Courts of Appeals Should Review Sentencing ...