The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'law'

A Reassessment of Common Law Protections for "Idiots"

the common law’s strong prohibition against the execution of people called “idiots.” The Supreme Court has discussed common law insanity protections

News: Presenting Volume 123 of The Yale Law Journal

The Yale Law Journal - News: Presenting Volume 123 of The Yale Law Journal Presenting Volume 123 of The Yale Law Journal

Presidential Power over International Law: Restoring the Balance

Yale Law Journal - Presidential Power over International Law: Restoring the Balance Presidential Power over International Law: Restoring the Balance

What Happened to Property in Law and Economics?

Yale Law Journal - What Happened to Property in Law and Economics?

Curing the Blind Spot in Administrative Law: A Federal Common Law Framework for State Agencies Implementing Cooperative Federalism Statutes

Yale Law Journal - Curing the Blind Spot in Administrative Law: A Federal Common Law Framework for State Agencies Implementing Cooperative Federalism

Abraham S. Goldstein's Contributions to Criminal Law Scholarship

Yale Law Journal - Abraham S. Goldsteins Contributions to Criminal Law Scholarship Abraham S. Goldsteins Contributions to Criminal Law Scholarship

Recovering American Administrative Law: Federalist Foundations, 1787-1801

Yale Law Journal - Recovering American Administrative Law: Federalist Foundations, 1787-1801 Recovering American Administrative Law: Federalist Foundations, 1787-1801

History as Precedent: The Post-Originalist Problem in Constitutional Law

Yale Law Journal - History as Precedent: The Post-Originalist Problem in Constitutional Law

Limiting Locke: A Natural Law Justification for the Fair Use Doctrine

Yale Law Journal - Limiting Locke: A Natural Law Justification for the Fair Use Doctrine Limiting Locke: A Natural Law Justification for the Fair Use Doctrine

News: Yale Law Journal Announces Winners of Immigration-Focused Student Essay Competition

The Yale Law Journal - News: i Yale Law Journal /i Announces Winners of Immigration-Focused Student Essay Competition Yale Law Journal Announces