The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'law'

Equal Protection by Law: Federal Antidiscrimination Legislation After Morrison and Kimel

Yale Law Journal - Equal Protection by Law: Federal Antidiscrimination Legislation After Morrison and Kimel Equal Protection by Law: Federal Antidiscrimination Legislation After ...

Fantasy Liability: Publicity Law, the First Amendment, and Fantasy Sports

Yale Law Journal - Fantasy Liability: Publicity Law, the First Amendment, and Fantasy Sports

News: Supreme Court of Washington Cites Forthcoming Yale Law Journal Article

The Yale Law Journal - News: Supreme Court of Washington Cites Forthcoming i Yale Law Journal /i Article Supreme Court of Washington Cites

Stop Ignoring Pork and Potholes: Election Law and Constituent Service

Yale Law Journal - Stop Ignoring Pork and Potholes: Election Law and Constituent Service Stop Ignoring Pork and Potholes: Election Law and

Trade Secret Law and the Changing Role of Judge and Jury

Yale Law Journal - Trade Secret Law and the Changing Role of Judge and Jury Trade Secret Law and the Changing Role of Judge and Jury

Aurelius’s Article III Revisionism: Reimagining Judicial Engagement with the Insular Cases and “The Law of the Territories”

Yale Law Journal - Aurelius’s Article III Revisionism: Reimagining Judicial Engagement with the Insular Cases and “The Law of the Territories

The Politics of Nature: Climate Change, Environmental Law, and Democracy

Yale Law Journal - The Politics of Nature: Climate Change, Environmental Law, and Democracy

American Needle v. NFL: An Opportunity To Reshape Sports Law

Yale Law Journal - American Needle v. NFL: An Opportunity To Reshape Sports Law

Forum: Justice Thomas and the Originalist Turn in Administrative Law

the notion that the rule of law requires impartial application of the laws, something a law’s drafter—and any agency tasked with implementing the law

Capitalist Development, Labor Law, and the New Working Class

—or the whole complex of laws constituting and governing work—was transformed by those same structural forces over that same period. Postwar labor law