The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'The'

Forum: The CSI Effect: Fact or Fiction

than thirty trials. Our prosecutors frequently talk to jurors after their verdicts about the cases they just decided. On the basis of these

The Responsibility To Protect: The U.N. World Summit and the Question of Unilateralism

Yale Law Journal - The Responsibility To Protect: The U.N. World Summit and the Question of Unilateralism

Forum: The Relative Weight of Irreparable Benefits

manifests itself is the endowment effect. The endowment effect suggests that people often demand more to give something up than they would pay to acquire it

Forum: Is the CSI Effect Good Science?

facts can then take on a life of their own, especially when aided by the popular press. And, they can lead to arguments in favor of adopting a variety of

Forum: Bad News for Professor Koppelman: The Incidental Unconstitutionality of the Individual Mandate

standard materials of constitutional research—such as the Convention and ratification debates—seem to say relatively little about them. Moreover, they are

Financing the Class: Strengthening the Class Action Through Third-Party Investment

their payout is, as mentioned above, five million dollars. Therefore the overall expected value of the lawsuit for them, if they litigate to the

Petitioning and the Making of the Administrative State

the lawmaking models of classic legal process theory, on which much of our public law rests, captured the nuanced democratic function of these

The Unforeseen Effects of Georgia v. Ashcroft on the Latino Community

Yale Law Journal - The Unforeseen Effects of Georgia v. Ashcroft on the Latino Community

The Treaty Problem: Understanding the Framers’ Approach to International Legal Commitments

Yale Law Journal - The Treaty Problem: Understanding the Framers’ Approach to International Legal Commitments The Treaty Problem: Understanding the Framers’ Approach to ...

Forum: The Promise and Pitfalls of the New Voting Rights Act (VRA)

altering the geographic scope of section 5 of the VRA (which requires covered jurisdictions to obtain federal preclearance before amending their voting