The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'The'

The Law of Nations and the Offenses Clause of the Constitution: A Defense of Federalism

Yale Law Journal - The Law of Nations and the Offenses Clause of the Constitution: A Defense of Federalism

Forum: Felon Re-Enfranchisement and the Problem of “Lost” Rights

their dissent from the denial of an application to vacate the stay in Jones. These arguments run in the right direction, though they fall short of

News: Symposium on The Meaning of the Civil Rights Revolution

revolution 50 years after the 1964 Act. The panelists included many of the leading scholars in both civil rights law and constitutional theory

The Constitutional Status of Tort Law: Due Process and the Right to a Law for the Redress of Wrongs

Yale Law Journal - The Constitutional Status of Tort Law: Due Process and the Right to a Law for the Redress of Wrongs

Forum: How We Study the Constitution: Rethinking the Insular Cases and Modern American Empire

political community to conceive of their identities. The plaintiffs and defendants in constitutional disputes largely understand themselves as

Recovering the Moral Economy Foundations of the Sherman Act

statute thesis is more than just the proposition that the courts should guide the application of the law as circumstances change. Instead, it has been

The New Jim Crow Is the Old Jim Crow

and Jeanne Theoharis, as well as other historians of the South and the civil rights movement, this Book Review argues that this over-simplified

Forum: Sotomayor’s Supreme Court Race Jurisprudence: “Fidelity to the Law”

these candidates would proceed to the next exam, which included a physical-abilities test, background check, medical exam, and drug test. Those who

The Law-of-Nations Origins of the Marshall Trilogy

acknowledging the power of the federal government over them, but still affirming their sovereignty. The sovereignty of Native Nations animated the

Forum: Metadata and Issues Relating to the Form of Production

amendment to Rule 34(a) ends the debate over whether various parts of electronic files, including metadata, are subject to discovery because they are, or