The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'law'

After the Law of Apolitical Economy: Reclaiming the Normative Stakes of Labor Unions

Yale Law Journal - After the Law of Apolitical Economy: Reclaiming the Normative Stakes of Labor Unions After the Law of Apolitical Economy

News: Announcing the Special Issue Symposium on the Law of the Territories

The Yale Law Journal - News: Announcing the Special Issue Symposium on the Law of the Territories Announcing the Special Issue Symposium on the Law

Beyond Brooke Group: Bringing Reality to the Law of Predatory Pricing

State”), Georgetown Law (Family Law II: “Child, Parent, and the State”). Id. at 1465 (laws concerning driving, drinking, employment, sexual activity

Forum: Mandatory Versus Default Rules: How Can Customary International Law Be Improved?

inclination to do with respect to the laws of war. Indeed, the Administration repeatedly reaffirmed its commitment to both the international law prohibition on

Economic Analysis of Contract Law After Three Decades: Success or Failure?

Yale Law Journal - Economic Analysis of Contract Law After Three Decades: Success or Failure? Economic Analysis of Contract Law After Three Decades: Success or Failure?

Competing Exclusionary Rules in Multistate Investigations: Resolving Conflicts of State Search-and-Seizure Law

in State A? When multiple jurisdictions are involved, courts must perform some conflict-of-laws analysis to determine which law governs the officers

Forum: Treaty Denunciation and "Withdrawal" from Customary International Law: An Erroneous Analogy with Dangerous Consequences

The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Treaty Denunciation and Withdrawal from Customary International Law: An Erroneous Analogy with Dangerous Consequences

Forum: Law, Prison, and Double-Double Consciousness: A Phenomenological View of the Black Prisoner’s Experience

being altered through the execution of laws designed for the betterment of all, then those who practice and actively exercise the law have an added

Tortious Interference and the Law of Contract: The Case for Specific Performance Revisited

Yale Law Journal - Tortious Interference and the Law of Contract: The Case for Specific Performance Revisited Tortious Interference and the Law of Contract: The Case for Specific ...

Forum: How To Think About Law as Morality: A Comment on Greenberg and Hershovitz

law-as-morality proponents can’t vindicate the notion of the law’s content, and reasons to doubt they should even if they could. A. Is Greenberg’s