The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'The'

The Politics of Decarceration

that the criminal-justice system is deeply broken: the United States’s incarceration rate is the highest in the world, and there is little evidence

Restoring the Right Constitution?

Yale Law Journal - Restoring the Right Constitution?

The Grounds of Welfare

Yale Law Journal - The Grounds of Welfare

The President's Completion Power

Yale Law Journal - The Presidents Completion Power

The First Amendment and the Right(s) of Publicity

value, the right of control, and the right of dignity. These torts protect, respectively, plaintiffs’ interests in controlling the use of their

Searching for Balance in the Aftermath of the 2006 Takings Initiatives

Yale Law Journal - Searching for Balance in the Aftermath of the 2006 Takings Initiatives Searching for Balance in the Aftermath of the 2006 Takings Initiatives

The Continuum of Excludability and the Limits of Patents

Yale Law Journal - The Continuum of Excludability and the Limits of Patents

The Disappearance of Civil Trial in the United States

Yale Law Journal - The Disappearance of Civil Trial in the United States

Common Control and the Delineation of the Taxable Entity

Yale Law Journal - Common Control and the Delineation of the Taxable Entity

Disestablishing the Family

Yale Law Journal - Disestablishing the Family