The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'law'

Forum: Beyond the Privacy Torts: Reinvigorating a Common Law Approach for Data Breaches

law solution rooted in tort law’s confidentiality principles is worth pursuing to empower consumers in today’s information economy. Alicia Solow

Questioning the Trust Law Duty of Loyalty: Sole Interest or Best Interest?

Yale Law Journal - Questioning the Trust Law Duty of Loyalty: Sole Interest or Best Interest? Questioning the Trust Law Duty of Loyalty: Sole Interest or Best Interest?

The Character of Discrimination Law: The Incompatibility of Rule 404 and Employment Discrimination Suits

Yale Law Journal - The Character of Discrimination Law: The Incompatibility of Rule 404 and Employment Discrimination Suits The Character of Discrimination Law: The ...

News: Announcing Volume 131’s Special Issue on the Law of the Territories

The Yale Law Journal - News: Announcing Volume 131’s Special Issue on the Law of the Territories Announcing Volume 131’s Special Issue on the Law of

Founding-Era Jus Ad Bellum and the Domestic Law of Treaty Withdrawal

the laws of the United States, to be the supreme law of the land, it is understood that an act of the legislature alone can declare them infringed and

From Child Protection to Children’s Rights: Rethinking Homosexual Propaganda Bans in Human Rights Law

spectators that we do have such laws, but we do not have such laws in Russia. Russia has adopted the law banning propaganda of non-traditional sexual

Duties Owed: Low-Intensity Cyber Attacks and Liability for Transboundary Torts in International Law

international armed conflict, they are not clearly governed by the laws of armed conflict (jus in bello). Under international law, “armed attacks,” which

News: Fourth Yale Law Journal Forum Student Essay Competition - Submissions Extended to September 15, 2020

reporter’s privilege, anti-SLAPP laws, secret courts, newsgathering, freedom of information, information technology, social media, cyber law, intellectual

Forum: Postmortem Rights of Publicity: The Federal Estate Tax Consequences of New State-Law Property Rights

Legislators, proponents of these laws, and legal commentators have overlooked two significant federal estate tax consequences of these new state law

From Employment to Contract: Section 1981 and Antidiscrimination Law for the Independent Contractor Workforce

Yale Law Journal - From Employment to Contract: Section 1981 and Antidiscrimination Law for the Independent Contractor Workforce From Employment to