The Yale Law Journal

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Lee Petherbridge

The Yale Law Journal - Lee Petherbridge Lee Petherbridge Forum Using a database that contains over 19,000 law review articles published in top 100

Edward J. Janger

$100 million per day justified the hurry-up sale of the company to Fiat. The assertion that a firm is a melting ice cube is frequently offered, soon after a bankruptcy filing, to ...

Melissa B. Jacoby

$100 million per day justified the hurry-up sale of the company to Fiat. The assertion that a firm is a melting ice cube is frequently offered, soon after a bankruptcy filing, to ...

Judging the Fed

David Zaring, Litigating the Financial Crisis, 100 Va. L. Rev. 1405 (2014) (analyzing l… Daniel Carpenter, Reputation and Power 33 (2010); see also id

Forum: The Social Meaning of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

For example, if W is taxed at a 10% marginal rate, and H is taxed at a 30% marginal rate, $100 earnings by H will be subject to $30 in tax, leaving

Forum: Intersectional Imperial Legacies in the U.S. Territories

$200 million and $100 million, respectively. Medical Assistance. Medicaid is a “joint federal and state program that helps cover medical costs” for

Forum: Against Irreparable Benefits

measured once. As a matter of definition, benefits are already accounted for. To illustrate, suppose a plaintiff-patentee will earn $100 from sales if

News: En Banc Second Circuit Cites Volumes 127 & 124

Express, Inc., 883 F.3d 100 (2018), the Second Circuit joined the Seventh Circuit in holding, en banc, that sexual-orientation discrimination constitutes

Forum: Foreword—The 2017 Tax Cuts: How Polarized Politics Produced Precarious Policy

corporation with $100 in pre-tax earnings pe… For a discussion of the advantages of pass-through entities relative to corporations, see Daniel H… See Joint

Barbarians Inside the Gates: Raiders, Activists, and the Risk of Mistargeting

acquire 100% of the target’s stock at a significant premium above market. By contrast, activists need only buy a relatively small block of shares to