The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'IF'

Forum: Financial Regulation and Cost-Benefit Analysis

agencies must show that the benefits justify the costs and also that they have chosen the approach that maximizes net benefits. If these requirements are

News: Prison Law Writing Contest

Writing Contest. If you are or recently have been in jail or prison, we invite you to write a short essay about your experiences with the law. The

Forum: Predatory Pricing: Limiting Brooke Groupe to Monopolies and Sound Implementation of Price-Cost Comparison

advantages over potential rivals to charge high prices with little fear of competitor entry. The high price may not attract entry at all if potential

Forum: Against Irreparable Benefits

considering preliminary injunctions should account for irreparable benefits in addition to irreparable harms. This is a provocative idea. If a

Forum: The Costs of Voting Rule Chevron: A Comment on Gersen and Vermeules Proposal

deference as doctrinal Chevron (even though, as Gersen and Vermeule acknowledge, the outcomes of some individual cases would change). If Gersen and

Forum: Withdrawing from International Custom: Terrible Food, Small Portions

food). If the goal is, as the authors say, to strengthen rather than bury customary international law, the authors have come up with the wrong recipe

Forum: What the Efficient Performance Hypothesis Means for Contracts Scholarship

option to the promisee rather than the promisor? If the promisee is given the option to force the promisor to perform or pay damages equal to the

The End of Jurisprudence

but in a different way: Does the sign affect how people ought to behave? If it does, how and why? What are the normative upshots of the fact that the

Forum: An Overview of the E-Discovery Rules Amendments

paper but may contain privileged or protected information that escapes detection, even if the producing party reasonably believes that it has a robust

Distorted Choice in Corporate Bankruptcy

the company into different classes, and the creditors or shareholders in each class vote to approve or reject the proposed plan. If every class of