Results for 'eu'
Labor and Employment Law
automated systems for labor control, the European Union (EU) has passed an array of digital-rights protections for workers. This Essay argues that the EU
Comparative Law
Union (EU) member states as violating European constitutional treaty guarantees of freedom of movement for goods, services, persons, and capital. These
Forum: Data Rights and Data Wrongs: Civil Litigation and the New Privacy Norms
Recognition Network, See A New Era for Data Protection in the EU: What Changes After May 2018, Eur
Forum: Getting Beyond Ad Hoc Fiscal Federalism: A Proposal for a Default Federal Liquidity Facility for the States
The Fiscal Compact of the European Union (EU), adopted in 2012, contains such second-generation rules, and the states of the EU committed to putting
Forum: Foreign Direct Investment by Sovereign Wealth Funds
China, Russia, and the Middle East have large investments in the United States and the European Union (EU), then they also have a direct stake in the
Forum: Privacy and Security Across Borders
the onward transfer, use, and retention of data shared between U.S. and E.U. law enforcement officials. See Agreement between the United States and EU
… Article 115 Yale L.J. 1186 (2006) In recent years, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has invalidated many income tax law provisions of European Union (EU
Forum: Lawyers as Leaders
trading system, deepening regional economic cooperation in North America, the EU and Asia, and economic development in failed, failing, fragile, and
Forum: How to Get the Property Out of Privacy Law
investment in research and development for new technology startups in the EU to falter, and the productivity of EU firms fell as compared to U.S
Forum: Triptych’s End: A Better Framework To Evaluate 21st Century International Lawmaking
program, in accordance with the agreement reached by the P5+1. Under the terms of the accord, the United States and the EU removed their unilateral Iran