The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'The'

Reasoned Explanation and Political Accountability in the Roberts Court

offered in these various works (and my argument that the Court has moved toward this conception rests on cases postdating them), it is indebted to all

The De Facto Reporter’s Privilege

were resolved at common law. But these early scholars did not have the benefit of digitized research tools, nor could they draw upon the sprawling

Forum: The Majoritarian Difficulty

office, which would allow each position holder to envision themselves as if they were on the other side and perhaps thereby better implement the general

Bo Burt: In the Whirlwind of His Own Making

students debated these propositions every week, mentions how he organized rump sessions in Max’s (the law school’s then-dining facility), describes

The Right Solution to the Wrong Problem: The Status of Controlling Shareholders After In re John Q. Hammons Hotels Inc.

Yale Law Journal - The Right Solution to the Wrong Problem: The Status of Controlling Shareholders After In re John Q. Hammons Hotels Inc. The Right

Dual Sovereignty and the Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel

Yale Law Journal - Dual Sovereignty and the Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel

The Jurisprudence of Mixed Motives

greater than 1? Is it the la… See infra Appendix A. These are motive “standards” insofar as they specify the quanta of motiv… Note that no one is

Forum: Pluralism, Polarization, and the Common Good: The Possibility of Modus Vivendi Legal Ethics

there is a wide range of wants, desires, and objectives that are compatible with human flourishing. The interesting theoretical question is whether

The Attorney General’s Settlement Authority and the Separation of Powers

constitutional separation of powers does not forbid entering into policymaking settlements. The Note then proposes (1) new doctrine to make these settlements

Justice White and the Law

Yale Law Journal - Justice White and the Law