The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'law'

Civil-Rights Law

Essay argues that in order to advance their clients’ interests, progressive lawyers must redefine public interest law such that it centers on a

Education Law

The Yale Law Journal - Education Law Education Law Note The assumption that remedying racial inequality benefits only people of color while being

Human Rights Law

Steven Wise is one of the pistons. A lawyer whose practice is the protection of animals, he has now written a book in which he urges courts in the exercise of their common-law ...

Consumer Law

The Yale Law Journal - Consumer Law Consumer Law Forum Nina Lea Oishi This Essay draws from on-the-ground interviews and procedural-justice theory to

Media Law

The Yale Law Journal - Media Law Media Law Feature This Feature documents the creation of the Facebook Oversight Board, an independent external body

Housing Law

The Yale Law Journal - Housing Law Housing Law Feature Faith communities across the United States are creating affordable housing on church property

Administrative Law

The Yale Law Journal - Administrative Law Administrative Law Feature Universal vacatur is a legitimate part of administrative law’s remedial scheme

Art Law

The Yale Law Journal - Art Law Art Law Forum Until recently, the United States did little to help repatriate looted antiquities, thanks to a powerful

Law and Technology

The Yale Law Journal - Law and Technology Law and Technology Forum Privacy law emphasizes control over “your” data, but requiring consent for each

Health Law

federal law? This question takes on a new urgency in the Medicaid context since the § 1983 lawsuits that have hi… Article 117 Yale L.J. 992 (2008