The Yale Law Journal

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Forum: “Early-Bird Special” Indeed!: Why the Tax Anti-Injunction Act Permits the Present Challenges to the Minimum Coverage Provision

labels a “penalty.” These provisions go into effect on January 1, 2014. For all the heated disputes over their constitutionality, there ought to be

When Stopping the Smuggler Means Repelling the Refugee: International Human Rights Law and the European Unions Operation To Combat Smuggling in Libya’s Territorial Sea

Union are parties to all of these instruments and thus bound under international law by the obligations provided therein. The Operation Sophia

The Emergence of Neutrality

The first of these focuses on the emergence of neutrality in speech and press doctrine. Content and viewpoint neutrality are now the bedrock

Forum: Reconsidering the Syllabus in “Constitutional Law”

issues for their business clients. If there is a justification for requiring constitutional law—and not, as at the University of Chicago, leaving it to

The Statutory Separation of Powers

statutory authority is a delicate business: the optimal balance is difficult to calibrate ex ante, the balance is unstable, and there are risks that

News: From the Archives: Driving Dixie Down: Removing the Confederate Flag from Southern State Capitols

the Hunt plaintiffs problem involved neither the flag nor the law, but their “own emotions.” Moreover, the court held that “there is no unequal

Forum: A Cure Worse than the Disease?

districts and claims to be placed within them were the “racial entitlements” Justice Scalia mocked at oral argument in Shelby County. Thernstrom’s essay

The Unfinished Business of Bankruptcy Reform: A Proposal To Improve the Treatment of Support Creditors

Yale Law Journal - The Unfinished Business of Bankruptcy Reform: A Proposal To Improve the Treatment of Support Creditors The Unfinished Business of Bankruptcy Reform: A Proposal ...

Regulating in the Shadow of the U.C.C.: How Courts Should Interpret State Consumer Protection Laws

Yale Law Journal - Regulating in the Shadow of the U.C.C.: How Courts Should Interpret State Consumer Protection Laws Regulating in the Shadow of the U.C.C.: How Courts Should ...

News: Presenting the Volume 121 Editorial Board

The Yale Law Journal - News: Presenting the Volume 121 Editorial Board Presenting the Volume 121 Editorial Board The Yale Law Journal is excited to