The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'law'

Forum: Pedagogy of Prefiguration

Stefano Harney and Fred Moten on the undercommons, this Essay asks how we may teach ourselves—lawyers and law students—to work with social-movement

Forum: Transcending the Stigma of a Criminal Record: A Proposal to Reform State Bar Character and Fitness Evaluations

lawyering. I was shocked and devastated when my application was rejected. I had taken a calculated gamble when I decided to earn a law degree and join

Financing the Class: Strengthening the Class Action Through Third-Party Investment

Ostrager, Rebecca Lee, and the Yale Law Journal Notes Committee for their outstanding editorial assistance. Introduction The class action lawsuit, a

Legal Ethics

The Yale Law Journal - Legal Ethics Legal Ethics Forum Nina Lea Oishi This Essay draws from on-the-ground interviews and procedural-justice theory to


vulnerable to retaliation. This Essay provides the perspective of an employment lawyer on the shortcomings of sexual harassment law and how state law can

Forum: May Congress Abrogate Stare Decisis by Statute?

William N. Eskridge, Jr. & Philip P. Frickey, Quasi-Constitutional Law: Clear Statement Rules as Constitutional Lawmaking, 45 Vand. L. Rev. 593, 600-01


how law operated across a wide historical panorama. Such contextualization has implications for a sound working definition of law, understanding law’s

Legal Scholarship for Judges

all of the complexity of both the lawmaking and the law-application process, the Realists had created a world in which the rule of law itself was

Executive Orders in Court

second year of his presidency, only fifteen claimed any specific law or laws as their source(s) of authority. President Obama’s other nineteen executive


in urban America. This Essay addresses what may be a lawyer’s most natural question upon finishing Desmond’s book: what can lawyers and the law do to