The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'law'

Rethinking Police Expertise

about relative competency and judicial decision-making well beyond the criminal law. At Mitchell Lawrence’s trial, however, there was a twist. The lawyer

The Weaponization of Attorney’s Fees in an Age of Constitutional Warfare

regarding the law’s constitutionality. After the Supreme Court declined to repudiate the maneuver, Oklahoma enacted a fetal-heartbeat law modeled upon

Natural Rights and the First Amendment

law.At a minimum, natural law required that individuals not interfere with the natural rights of others. There was no natural right to assault others

Forum: Opaque Capital and Mass-Tort Financing

participants at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law’s Contemporary Issues in Complex Litigation Conference. I also want to thank members of the Yale Law Journal

Multisided Platforms and Antitrust Enforcement

Parent and State”), Georgetown Law (Family Law II: “Child, Parent, and the State”). Id. at 1465 (laws concerning driving, drinking, employment, sexual

The Unabridged Fifteenth Amendment

Yale Law Journal - The Unabridged Fifteenth Amendment The Unabridged Fifteenth Amendment abstract. In the legal histories of Reconstruction, the

Forum: Insider Trading’s Legality Problem

is, statutory lawmaking improves the content of criminal law and not just criminal law’s procedure. These benefits emerge more clearly when we consider


choice, what I call the law of apolitical economy, continues to shape how we understan… Feature Courtney Megan Cahill Sex equality assures us that laws

Forum: Hayek Goes to Family Court

the market sense of the term. One of family law’s overriding goals is minimizing state outlays by externalizing the costs of family-law problems. It

The End of Jurisprudence

more elusive. The idea cannot be that the law has views in just the same way that my grandmother does. But if the law’s point of view is not the point