Results for '120'
Elizabeth Magill
The Yale Law Journal - Elizabeth Magill Elizabeth Magill Article 120 Yale L.J. 1032 (2011). Standard questions in the theory of administrative law
Mitu Gulati
The Yale Law Journal - Mitu Gulati Mitu Gulati Article 120 Yale L.J. 202 (2010). Treaties are negotiated, usually written down, and often subject to
Victoria Degtyareva
The Yale Law Journal - Victoria Degtyareva Victoria Degtyareva Note 120 Yale L.J. 862 (2011). Most immigrants who gain permanent residence or
Daniel Winik
The Yale Law Journal - Daniel Winik Daniel Winik Note 120 Yale L.J. 622 (2010). This Note proposes a new direction for the regulation of corporate
Jonathan R. Macey
The Yale Law Journal - Jonathan R. Macey Jonathan R. Macey Feature 120 Yale L.J. 1368 (2011). We distinguish the economic problems when large
Matthew J. Hegreness
The Yale Law Journal - Matthew J. Hegreness Matthew J. Hegreness Note 120 Yale L.J. 1820 (2011). Since the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment
Alexander Stremitzer
The Yale Law Journal - Alexander Stremitzer Alexander Stremitzer Article 120 Yale L.J. 690 (2011). Liberal allowance of rescission followed by
Suzanne B. Goldberg
The Yale Law Journal - Suzanne B. Goldberg Suzanne B. Goldberg Article 120 Yale L.J. 728 (2011). Contemporary discrimination law is in crisis, both
David A. Perez
The Yale Law Journal - David A. Perez David A. Perez Note 120 Yale L.J. 1532 (2011). What happens when a defendant receives defective counsel during
James P. Holdcroft, Jr.
The Yale Law Journal - James P. Holdcroft, Jr. James P. Holdcroft, Jr. Feature 120 Yale L.J. 1368 (2011). We distinguish the economic problems when