The Yale Law Journal

Results for '40'

Forum: The Origins of U.S. Territorial Taxation and the Insular Cases

was the purchase of Alask… Compare Treasury Report of 1890, supra note 40, at XXI (showing federal expenditures of $358 milli… Hugh Rockoff

Forum: Detention and Deterrence: Insights from the Early Years of Immigration Detention at the Border

Steamship Company, one of the main transporters of goods and people across the Pacific Ocean, converted some of its general offices on Pier 40 into a

Public Actors, Private Law: Local Governments’ Use of Covenants To Regulate Land Use

text accompanying notes 85-98, 103-106. See infra text accompanying notes 15-20, 40-42. See infra text accompanying notes 40-42. See infra text

Forum: Opaque Capital and Mass-Tort Financing

even more money or buy even more cases; (v) hire attorneys to settle the cases for whatever they can get; (vi) take a plump 40% contingency fee; and

Ideological Imbalance and the Peremptory Challenge

Crime & Delinquency 71 (1983); Shamena Anwar et al., Politics in the Courtroom: Political Ideology and Jury Decision Making 40 (Nat’l Bureau of Econ

Forum: White-Collar Defendants and White-Collar Crimes

increased from 9.2 months to 10.3 months, and the average length of imprisonment for money laundering increased from 40 months to 46 months. Compare U.S

Forum: Sovereign Wealth Funds: Active or Passive Investors?

investment: SWFs invested nearly $40 billion in U.S. financial institutions in 2007 alone. But desperation invites opportunism, and while many find SWF

Insider, Outsider, Robert A. Burt

nearly 40 years—here in this institution that births presidents, Supreme Court justices, and senators—Bo understood the way power works in our society

Police Reform Through a Power Lens

Crime Bill 25 Years Later: It’s Time for a Reckoning, ColorLines (Sept. 30, 2019, 11:40 AM ET), https://‌‌www‌‌

Forum: A Seat at the Table: New Voices Urge Farm Bill Reform

Waste in the 2018 Farm Bill, Harv. Food … Dana Gunders, Wasted: How America Is Losing Up to 40 Percent of Its Food from Farm to Fork to Land… Jonathan