The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'evidence'

Forum: In Defense of Guantanamo Bay

variety of ways, and evidence and information useful in assessing whether there is a prosecutable case may exist in a multitude of domestic and

Forum: A Post-Shelby Strategy: Exposing Discriminatory Intent in Voting Rights Litigation

Intentional discrimination claims—brought where appropriate and supported by the evidence—force an appraisal of the true motives underlying laws passed

Forum: Mission Accomplished?

and measured defense of the renewed statute posits that The evidence matters because if, as critics charge, the regional provisions of the Voting

Forum: Dominant Digital Platforms: Is Antitrust Up to the Task?

evidence is needed to establish monopoly power. In litigation, the platforms no doubt would argue that competition is “just a click away.” However

Forum: A CSI Writer Defends His Show

criminal justice system. Juries, they say, now believe that investigators will find every tidbit of evidence at a crime scene, then have it examined in

Forum: Building an Umbrella in a Rainstorm: The New Vote Denial Litigation Since Shelby County

their approaches differ in some respects. This Essay describes tension among the courts of appeals as to the necessity of (1) statistical evidence

Nondelegation at the Founding

messy, precluding any kind of categorical conclusion. But when fairly evaluated, there is almost no evidence unambiguously supporting the proposition that

Zack Bray

The Yale Law Journal - Zack Bray Zack Bray Comment 113 Yale L.J. 1143 (2004) Today, application of the exclusionary rule to evidence obtained in

The Strategies of Anticompetitive Common Ownership

firms. Their concern rests on empirical evidence that such common concentrated ownership is associated with higher prices and lower output. This evidence

Forum: How Justice Thomas Determines the Original Meaning of Article II of the Constitution

adopted.” Justice Thomas, however, does not limit his inquiry solely to evidence most demonstrative of the original objective meaning. On the contrary