The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'legitimacy'

John Calhoun

court opinions may pose risks to the legitimacy, credibility, and accuracy of federal appellate court judgments. However, it is hard to understand why diction…

Kate Klonick

body that provides appellate review of Facebook’s content-moderation decisions and policy recommendations. Should the Oversight Board gain legitimacy, it has tremendous ...

Gabrielle Appleby

The Yale Law Journal - Gabrielle Appleby Gabrielle Appleby Article This Article argues that the sociological legitimacy of judicial institutions in

Erin F. Delaney

The Yale Law Journal - Erin F. Delaney Erin F. Delaney Article This Article argues that the sociological legitimacy of judicial institutions in

Daniel E. Walters

institution. This Article offers a new framework for analyzing this question—one drawn from agonistic democratic theory. It argues that agonism provides new grounding for the ...

Steven Lubet

democratic legitimacy, one hesitates to bring up something so pedestrian as the Code of Conduct for United States Judges. Still, legal ethics principles do have some bearing on ...

Ela A. Leshem

This Note argues that both defenders and critics have overlooked an important value served by peremptory strikes beyond impartiality: democratic legitimacy. Just as elections help ...

Nina Lea Oishi

theory to analyze judging practices in debt-collection courts. Current practices undermine courts’ fairness and legitimacy. This Essay argues that courts must prioritize ...

Jane Y. Chong

The Yale Law Journal - Jane Y. Chong Jane Y. Chong Note 122 Yale L.J. 724 (2012). This Note proposes using outlawry proceedings to bring legitimacy

Jennifer Nou

elections. These failures have fueled the growing sense that private machine manufacturers must be held accountable. This Note argues that, because legitimacy externalities and ...