The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'law'

Luke Gorman

The Yale Law Journal - Luke Gorman Luke Gorman Forum In 2022, over 1.87 million Americans ceased employment before satisfying their employer’s 401(k

Forum: Concerted Arbitration

The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Concerted Arbitration Concerted Arbitration abstract. Companies have broad power to funnel employment disputes into

Horizontal Mergers, Market Structure, and Burdens of Proof

understanding of the core values that animate law’s regulation of persons more generally.”). Id. at 1482-83. For example, under the new law of the child

Forum: Electoral Adequacy

The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Electoral Adequacy Electoral Adequacy abstract. This Essay considers the function of election law, as an academic field

Intellectual Property

The Yale Law Journal - Intellectual Property Intellectual Property Article Shifts in patent law’s enablement and written description requirements

Forum: The Case for a Federal Defamation Regime

more eager to tackle the problem of reforming defamation law, with the majority of states enacting laws to penalize vexatious speech-suppressive

Forum: Complicated Process

for Civil Rights (OCR) to enforce the law. But I had also been a criminal defense lawyer. I understood more than most how unfair the criminal process

Forum: The Trump Administration and the Breakdown of Intra-Executive Legal Process

assessment. Career lawyers, who nearly always know more about the substance of the governing law, are critical to the process and are generally

Forum: Corruption: Greed, Culture, and the State

The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Corruption: Greed, Culture, and the State Corruption: Greed, Culture, and the State Introduction To lawyers, corruption

Labor’s Antitrust Problem: A Case for Worker Welfare

antitrust laws, antitrust law must preserve worker welfare. This Note develops and applies a worker welfare standard to the specific case of independent