The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'The'

In Their Hands: Restoring Institutional Liability for Sexual Harassment in Education

and trust—even love—their schools, and are dependent on them in many ways. Students frequently believe the institutions they dreamed of attending will

Living History: How Homeowners in a New Local Historic District Negotiate Their Legal Obligations

Yale Law Journal - Living History: How Homeowners in a New Local Historic District Negotiate Their Legal Obligations Living History: How Homeowners in a New Local Historic ...

Forum: "One of These Things Does Not Belong”: Intellectual Property and Collective Action Across Boundaries

argued, even these scholars sometimes duplicate the zero-sum theorists’ tendency to ascribe far too much agency to the law, a supposed “master frame

SEC "Monetary Penalties Speak Very Loudly," But What Do They Say? A Critical Analysis of the SECs New Enforcement Approach

penalties when they pay the cost themselves. However, if their employer (or its shareholders) pays, the deterrent effect is undermined. Corporate fines for

Forum: There Is No Affirmative Action for Minorities, Shareholder and Otherwise, in Corporate Law

competing offer at about twenty-eight dollars per share. The Carroll Family withdrew their merger proposal, but also announced that they had no interest

Forum: "We Dont Follow, We Lead": How New York City Will Save Mortgage Loans by Condemning Them

details of the plan as adopted by various cities will be determined by those cities themselves as they develop their own variants. These questions

Forum: Executives Do Not Need Waivers and Companies Should Not Offer Them: A Response to Mark Kressel

their compensation is often tied to the results they achieve for the corporation. Moreover, directors and officers generally are indemnified for all

Forum: Real Talk About Fake News: Towards a Better Theory for Platform Governance

direct impact on how they structured their policies. But First Amendment thinking comes in several flavors. Which of these visions of the First Amendment

Forum: “There Is No Such Thing as an Illegal Strike”: Reconceptualizing the Strike in Law and Political Economy

again, “while publicity and morale are not irrelevant, in the end, they are not effective weapons in their own right.” These arguments are important. A

Forum: Prisoners of Their Own War: Can Policymakers Look Beyond the “War on Drugs” to Drug Treatment Courts?

courts work, there is something disingenuous about continuing to invest in these courts without openly discussing their purpose and their merits. The