The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'law'

The Impact of Teacher Collective Bargaining Laws on Student Achievement: Evidence from a New Mexico Natural Experiment

Yale Law Journal - The Impact of Teacher Collective Bargaining Laws on Student Achievement: Evidence from a New Mexico Natural Experiment The Impact

Caroline V. Lawrence

The Yale Law Journal - Caroline V. Lawrence Caroline V. Lawrence Note This ten-year retrospective on the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity

Lawrence M. Solan

The Yale Law Journal - Lawrence M. Solan Lawrence M. Solan Forum James Phillips, Daniel Ortner, and Thomas Lee begin their engaging essay, Corpus

Matthew B. Lawrence

The Yale Law Journal - Matthew B. Lawrence Matthew B. Lawrence Article Liberty, accountability, and other values advanced by separation-of-powers

Forum: The Draft Restatement (Third) of Conflict of Laws: A Response to Brilmayer & Listwa

The Yale Law Journal - Forum: The Draft Restatement (Third) of Conflict of Laws: A Response to Brilmayer & Listwa The Draft Restatement (Third) of

How Much Difference Does the Lawyer Make? The Effect of Defense Counsel on Murder Case Outcomes

Yale Law Journal - How Much Difference Does the Lawyer Make? The Effect of Defense Counsel on Murder Case Outcomes How Much Difference Does the Lawyer Make? The Effect of Defense ...

Forum: Continuity and Change in the Draft Restatement (Third) of Conflict of Laws: One Step Forward and Two Steps Back?

The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Continuity and Change in the Draft Restatement (Third) of Conflict of Laws: One Step Forward and Two Steps Back

Forum: Lessons from Lawrence: How “History” Gave Us Dobbs—And How History Can Help Overrule It

The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Lessons from Lawrence: How “History” Gave Us Dobbs—And How History Can Help Overrule It Lessons from Lawrence: How

Securities Regulation in the Shadow of the Antitrust Laws: The Case for a Broad Implied Immunity Doctrine

Yale Law Journal - Securities Regulation in the Shadow of the Antitrust Laws: The Case for a Broad Implied Immunity Doctrine Securities Regulation in

Prison Law Writing Contest Results

Yale Law Journal - Prison Law Writing Contest Results