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Jackson Neagli
The Yale Law Journal - Jackson Neagli Jackson Neagli Forum Applying Hayek’s theory of law and liberty to contemporary American family law, this Essay
Nasser Zakariya
The Yale Law Journal - Nasser Zakariya Nasser Zakariya Essay 114 Yale L.J. 1613 (2005) Many studies have documented seller discrimination against
Clark Neily
The Yale Law Journal - Clark Neily Clark Neily Forum The number of Americans who must obtain government permissionto work in their chosen vocation
Natalie Ram
The Yale Law Journal - Natalie Ram
Natalya Shnitser
The Yale Law Journal - Natalya Shnitser Natalya Shnitser Note 119 Yale L.J. 1638 (2010). While proponents of the bonding hypothesis have posited that
Alexandra Natapoff
The Yale Law Journal - Alexandra Natapoff Alexandra Natapoff Review Alexandra Natapoff reviews Misdemeanorland, summarizing the book’s key
Living History: How Homeowners in a New Local Historic District Negotiate Their Legal Obligations
Yale Law Journal - Living History: How Homeowners in a New Local Historic District Negotiate Their Legal Obligations Living History: How Homeowners in a New Local Historic ...
The Law-of-Nations Origins of the Marshall Trilogy
note 15, at 378 n.30 (quoting Cohen, supra note 20, at 17) (“While Vitoria himself is not directly cited in any of the early opinions of the United
Mary Kathryn Nagle
The Yale Law Journal - Mary Kathryn Nagle Mary Kathryn Nagle Forum Mary Kathryn Nagle The Standing Rock protests represent the latest iteration of
John Copeland Nagle
The Yale Law Journal - John Copeland Nagle John Copeland Nagle Review John Copeland Nagle 110 Yale L.J. 293 (2000)