Results for '100'
Dodd-Frank Is a Pigouvian Regulation
related contexts. For example, in 1978… Jones, supra note 114, at 602 n.100 (noting only one proposed shield law in the 1980s); Kathryn A.… In 2005, Judith
Forum: Virtual World Feudalism
residents. Linden also provides tools enabling users to market and securely transfer plots among themselves. Prices range from under $100 for a small plot to
Forum: Can Corpus Linguistics Help Make Originalism Scientific?
Founding Era American English), will feature at least 100 million words of text written between 1760 and 1799, taken from a variety of sources. The
The Fourth Amendment and General Law
Wis. 1960) (noting that social guests are licensees,… David A. Sklansky, The Fourth Amendment and Common Law, 100 Colum. L. Rev. 1739, 1744 (2000
Judging Justice on Appeal
Justice Act, Pub. L. No. 100-702, §§ 101-109, 102 Stat. 4642… See generally Henry J. Friendly, Averting the Flood by Lessening the Flow, 59 Cornell L
Forum: Uniformity and Integrity in Immigration Law: Lessons from the Decisions of Justice (and Judge) Sotomayor
between federal and state law and dif… 558 U.S. 100 (2009) (holding that disclosure orders adverse to attorney-client privilege do not qua… See
Forum: Prisoners of Their Own War: Can Policymakers Look Beyond the “War on Drugs” to Drug Treatment Courts?
years. The Commission focused on the crack-cocaine disparity (which still exists but has been reduced from 100:1 to somewhere between 75-25:1, depending
Forum: EBay’s Second Life: When Should Virtual Earnings Bear Real Taxes?
income tax. For example, if Ava purchases a WoW account online for $200 and subsequently resells the account for $300, Ava has $100 of taxable profit
Forum: Linking Ideas to Outcomes: A Response
; in retrospect there is no consensus that it did. Compare this to the spill of 100 million gallons of toxic uranium sludge in New Mexico that occurred
Forum: We Don’t Want To Conquer You; We Have Enough To Worry About: The Russian Sovereign Wealth Fund
while private accounting firms and think tanks estimated losses of around 100 to 130 billion. Responding to these criticisms, in 2006 the government