The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'IF'

Forum: Sovereign Wealth Funds: Active or Passive Investors?

will be used as political tools justified? If political use of SWFs depends on their control of U.S. firms, the answer is almost certainly “no.” There

Forum: A Brief Defense of the Written Description Requirement

Thus, while enablement is a necessary prong of § 112, it is not the only prong. Even if the specification contains instructions sufficient to make and

The Limits of Enumeration

on. Defenders of federal statutes have always needed to answer the question, “If Congress can do that, what can’t Congress do, other than the things

Ex Ante Review of Leveraged Buyouts

associated with that debt increased. The existing creditors face a real loss if the LBO is a failure and the highly leveraged target does in fact go into

Forum: The Predominance Test: A Judicially Manageable Compactness Standard for Redistricting

cases, compactness standards are paper tigers that could roar, if only state courts could find a consistent way to apply them. This Essay does not add to

The Moral Ambiguity of Public Prosecution

victims of wrongdoing enjoy moral standing of a caliber greater than that of most if not all third parties. By inverting these structures of

Forum: Off-Contract Harms: The Real Effect of Liberal Rescission Rights on Contract Price

of Liberal Rescission Rights on Contract Price This Essay also shows that, even if we assume that Brooks and Stremitzer are correct in arguing that

Forum: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Financial Regulation: A Reply

regulations required or authorized by post-crisis re-regulatory laws are still being finalized and put into practice. Even if legal requirements for

Administrative Severability Clauses

whether an agency intends for a rule to remain in effect if a court were to invalidate a portion of the rule. A recent example, to which we return at

Forum: The Constitution as a Source of Remedial Law

federal law. As applied to equitable remedies, Gallogly’s constitutional default rule is largely consistent with the status quo. If extended to legal