The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'The'

In That Case, What Is the Question? Economics and the Demands of Contract Theory

Yale Law Journal - In That Case, What Is the Question? Economics and the Demands of Contract Theory

Apprendi, Punishment, and a Retroactive Theory of Revocation

punishment based on findings made long after initial sentencing has been completed. Under the retroactive theory, they may similarly be understood as

Bankruptcy as Constitutional Property: Using Statutory Entitlement Theory To Abrogate State Sovereign Immunity

Yale Law Journal - Bankruptcy as Constitutional Property: Using Statutory Entitlement Theory To Abrogate State Sovereign Immunity Bankruptcy as

When the Interests of Municipalities and Their Officials Diverge: Municipal Dual Representation and Conflicts of Interest in § 1983 Litigation

Yale Law Journal - When the Interests of Municipalities and Their Officials Diverge: Municipal Dual Representation and Conflicts of Interest in

Critical Race Theory

judicial review in teaching the lawyering process and in representing impoverished clients and their communities. But the egalitarian themes of Elys work

Forum: Language on the Move: “Cancel Culture,” “Critical Race Theory,” and the Digital Public Sphere

online collectives successfully run the targets of their ire out of public life attributes more power to these collectives than they actually have. It also

Corporations and Human Rights: A Theory of Legal Responsibility

Yale Law Journal - Corporations and Human Rights: A Theory of Legal Responsibility Corporations and Human Rights: A Theory of Legal Responsibility

Forum: Keeping the Promise of Public Fiduciary Theory: A Reply to Leib and Galoob

an alternative, outcome-centred view of judging (i.e., the theory of Judge Richard Posner, which they discuss at length) curiously does not lead them

Lock Them™ Up: Holding Transnational Corporate Human-Rights Abusers Accountable

traverse the globe in search of remedy, they face diverse legal systems that are historically ill-equipped to meet their needs. This Essay explores

The Separation of Funds and Managers: A Theory of Investment Fund Structure and Regulation

equity and hedge funds actually use the LLC and business trust forms. Notably, when funds adopt these forms, they deliberately write their operating