The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'sent'

Forum: Thwarting the Separation of Powers in Interbranch Information Disputes

issued dozens of requests for interviews and documents, some bipartisan and some sent by the Ranking Member unilaterally. Many of these requests were

Separate Spheres

counties had never sent a student to college in Austin. The latest research on college admissions in this country suggests that parental earnings, place

Forum: (Un)Constitutional Punishments: Eighth Amendment Silos, Penological Purposes, and People’s “Ruin”

automotive business in South Dakota. Losing a driver’s license for failure to pay fees or fines in Tennessee, Virginia, New York, and Michigan. Sent to

Forum: What Litigation of a Climate Nuisance Suit Might Look Like

mined from the ground, sent by rail to a power plant, and burned there, generating electricity that travels by wire to homes, where it runs lights and

Forum: The Separation of National Security Powers: Lessons from the Second Congress

constitutional “militia”) to respond to a wide array of domestic emergencies. The Insurrection Act has not been used since President George H.W. Bush sent 2500

Forum: "Home Schooling" in California

constitutional right to keep their children out of school based on personal or religious beliefs. The court sent the case back to the trial court to look at

Insider, Outsider, Robert A. Burt

an undesirable. And so she was rejected, sent back across the ocean she had just traveled. And yet she persevered. A few years later, she returned to

News: YLJ Honors Shirley Adelson Siegel

that I circulated to my Yale classmates based on penny postcards they sent me from wherever they were worldwide.) In closing, I want to thank you for

Forum: The Individual Sector: A Book Proposal

“notice of disconnection” is sent. Likewise a faithful employee can be laid off after long years of service, and promised pensions can be cancelled

Forum: Hedge Fund Activism, Short-Termism, and a New Paradigm of Corporate Governance

institutional investors). For example, in 2015, Larry Fink, Chairman and CEO of BlackRock, sent letters to CEOs of large companies urging them not to