The Yale Law Journal

Results for '2'

Forum: Revolutionizing Redistribution: Tax Credits and the American Rescue Plan

2020-45, supra note 101, at 1022 (detailing 2021 changes to I.R.C. § 63(c)(2) (20… Note that childless workers who are classified as employees (that

Disparate Impact, Unified Law

restrictions since the dark days of Jim Crow. In response to this array of limits, lower courts have recently converged on a two-part test under section 2

Let the Burden Fit the Crime: Extending Proportionality Review to Sex Offenders

§ 22.011(a)(2)(A), (c)(1), (e)(2) (West 2011) (defining the crime of sexual assault to include sexual penetration of a minor under seventeen years old

Forum: A Post-Shelby Strategy: Exposing Discriminatory Intent in Voting Rights Litigation

23, Univ. of Hous.: Hobby Sch. Pub. Aff. 2 (Apr. 2017), http://ssl‌ (finding

Forum: Implementing Aggregation in Law: The Median Outcome Rule

aggregation. Consider a modified version of Example 1: Example 2: The plaintiff files two independent claims against the defendant: claim A, for $200

Forum: The Social Meaning of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

and Jobs Act § 11022(a) § (amending I.R.C. § 24 (h)(2) (2012) by increasing the credit amount from $1,000 to $2,000). See id. (adding the new phaseout

In Wakefield’s Wake: Rescuing New Yorks Enterprise Corruption Jurisprudence

Stevens & Co., No. 2394/2009, 2011 WL 1757051, 29 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. May 2, 2011) (unreported disposition) (quoting People v. Pustilnik, No. 2759/2005

Border Checkpoints and Substantive Due Process: Abortion Rights in the Border Zone

in the Laredo and Rio Grande Valley areas). 8 C.F.R. § 287.1(a)(2) (2015) (construing 8 U.S.C. § 1357(a)(3) (2012)). A distance of over one hundred air

Forum: The Long Tail of Legal Scholarship

through one or more of these powerful forces: (1) democratizing the tools of production greatly expands the universe of content; (2) democratizing

Antitrust and Deregulation

2-3, Dudley v. Borough of Upland, No. 2:12-cv-5651 (… Alan K. Chen, The Facts About Qualified Immunity, 55 Emory L.J. 229, 230 (2006); see also