The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'AI'

Administrative Severability Clauses

several airlines challenged the employee protection program provisions of the Airline Deregulation Act. Following the Court’s landmark decision in

Forum: Is Open Data the Death of FOIA?

collect in their role as regulators (e.g., workplace safety and injury records, airplane flight on-time logs or doctors’ prescribing records) or information

Theodore T. Lee

proposes that Congress establish a nonpartisan, expert body to produ… Forum The Hatch-Waxman Act and the AIA balance exclusive rights of pharmaceutical

Antitrust Law

could again, serve Brandeisian aims. Essay This Essay seeks to recover the deeply rooted connection between U.S. banking law and antitrust. It

Forum: Open Source Evidence on Trial

a Russian anti-aircraft system in Luhansk, Ukraine, supports an inference that the Russian military supplied the weapon to rebels in Ukraine. But that

Forum: From Progressivism to Paralysis

familiar: volumes of detailed rules, mandatory procedural paths prior to approvals, and—when there is disagreement—adversarial proceedings aimed at

Forum: The Rise and Fall of Administrative Closure in Immigration Courts

action is needed. There are currently several legislative proposals that aim to reform the immigration-court system. Any such legislation should expressly

Voters Need to Know: Assessing the Legality of Redboxing in Federal Elections

only political committees (known as “super PACs”), VoteVets and Majority Forward, purchased $850,000 of airtime in support of Jon Tester. It is

Forum: Bind Us Together: Coalitional Public Policy Advocacy in Medical-Legal Partnerships

geography. The lawyers, who are generally affiliated with legal aid or a law school clinic, address a wide range of legal issues, including housing

Statutory Interpretation

aided means of answering such questions. This Article proposes to import those methods into statut… Feature In light of Hively, Evans, and Zarda, this