The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'law'

Forum: The Elections Clause and the Underenforcement of Federal Law

The Yale Law Journal - Forum: The Elections Clause and the Underenforcement of Federal Law The Elections Clause and the Underenforcement of Federal

News: Yale Law Journal Participates in the "Honoring Womens Advancement in Law" Conference

The Yale Law Journal - News: i Yale Law Journal /i Participates in the Honoring Womens Advancement in Law Conference Yale Law Journal Participates in

Forum: Sotomayor’s Supreme Court Race Jurisprudence: “Fidelity to the Law”

The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Sotomayor’s Supreme Court Race Jurisprudence: “Fidelity to the Law” Sotomayor’s Supreme Court Race Jurisprudence

Political Entrenchment and Public Law

Yale Law Journal - Political Entrenchment and Public Law Political Entrenchment and Public Law abstract. Courts and legal scholars have long been

Equity as Meta-Law

wild card, a combination of distinct law and equity can promote the law’s ends—including rule-of-law values—better than could a more homogeneous

International Lobbying Law

the core values that animate law’s regulation of persons more generally.”). Id. at 1482-83. For example, under the new law of the child, female

Forum: Shocking Business Bankruptcy Law

The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Shocking Business Bankruptcy Law Shocking Business Bankruptcy Law abstract. The intersection of major crises and

Tort Law Inside Out

improve tort law’s external standing relative to other bodies of law such as the Constitution or federal statutes. Moreover, the Article concludes

Forum: Is Korematsu Good Law?

The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Is Korematsu Good Law? Is Korematsu Good Law? abstract. In Trump v. Hawaii, the Supreme Court claimed to overrule its

Law Within Congress

Yale Law Journal - Law Within Congress Law Within Congress abstract. Procedure has long shaped how Congress operates. Procedural battles have been