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Jeffrey Bellin
The Yale Law Journal - Jeffrey Bellin Jeffrey Bellin Review David Pozen’s new book chronicles the constitutional arguments that American litigants once deployed to protect a “right
Maayan Sudai
The Yale Law Journal - Maayan Sudai Maayan Sudai Article This Article provides a comprehensive legal analysis of gender-affirming-care bans, concluding that their internally incons
Race, the Academy, and The Constitution of the War on Drugs
Yale Law Journal - Race, the Academy, and The Constitution of the War on Drugs Race, the Academy, and The Constitution of the War on Drugs abstract. The war on drugs is widely view
Ido Katri
The Yale Law Journal - Ido Katri Ido Katri Article This Article provides a comprehensive legal analysis of gender-affirming-care bans, concluding that their internally inconsistent
The Stagnation, Retrogression, and Potential Pro-Voter Transformation of U.S. Election Law
Yale Law Journal - The Stagnation, Retrogression, and Potential Pro-Voter Transformation of U.S. Election Law The Stagnation, Retrogression, and Potential Pro-Voter Transformation
Overtaking Mutual Funds: The Hidden Rise and Risk of Collective Investment Trusts
Yale Law Journal - Overtaking Mutual Funds: The Hidden Rise and Risk of Collective Investment Trusts Overtaking Mutual Funds: The Hidden Rise and Risk of Collective Investment Trus
Intersex, Trans, and the Irrationality of Gender-Affirming-Care Bans
Yale Law Journal - Intersex, Trans, and the Irrationality of Gender-Affirming-Care Bans Intersex, Trans, and the Irrationality of Gender-Affirming-Care Bans abstract. The U.S. Supr
Self-Protection in World Society: Reformulating the Protective Principle in International Law
Yale Law Journal - Self-Protection in World Society: Reformulating the Protective Principle in International Law Self-Protection in World Society: Reformulating the Protective Prin
Alyssa Resar
The Yale Law Journal - Alyssa Resar Alyssa Resar Note Aggressive applications of extraterritoriality under the protective principle in international law pose serious threats to sta
Bennett Capers
The Yale Law Journal - Bennett Capers Bennett Capers Review David Pozen’s new book chronicles the constitutional arguments that American litigants once deployed to protect a “right